Tessa had no intention of getting her success in the name of love, and she (Unlike Gomez, Hale, and Duff) actually goes after her dream not seeking love at all instead she shows her audience (in particular young ladies and girls) that you should love yourself and never let fear & doubt keep you from your dreams and if a boy is in your future he should love you for you. Now we get into the twist which makes Tessa (Carson) a better princess than Cinderella ever was and beating all the ones before her. So the glass slipper and plant are brought back from the orginal story to this one, in the old tale Cinderella visits her mother's grave where a willow tree is planted (the huge plant was a favorite of her mothers). Tessa like Cinderella actually misses her mother and shows teary emotions for both her parents and represents her mother through her favorite flower she put on her shoe (A.K.A glass slipper). So back on track, we see sadness of our character from being an orphan missing her parents, most forgotten Cinderella point is the Mother.
A cinderella story if the shoe fits plus#
Plus our Cinderella character and Fairy Godmother come to love each other like mother and daughter Let's not forget one important thing IT'S ACTUALLY ABOUT CINDERELLA, mainly because the plot surrounds Tessa (Sofia Carson) actually playing Cinderella in a musical production. This Film stays true to the orginal Tale of Cinderella by a complete stranger (The fairy Godmother or in this Case the musical make-up artist) who sees the pure love, beauty and innocence of the Cinderella character (Sofia Carson) and sees how her talent is going unnoticed in her hard life because she knows that she deserves better, so she gives her the opportunity for success.

The Fairy Godmother, unlike it's predecessors before, the Cinderella character has multiple Fairy-Godmothers in the shape of close-friends they have come to know and love for years and have developed a great past.

One Failure in it's Character key however is the Stepsisters, we have too self-absorbed women who treat their stepsister as a slave with the tendencies to be abusive and tormenting, but we didnt get that refreshing feel, like we got from the Steomother's Character, however we do have some major key plot points from the original fairytale of Cinderella and the previous installment of Once Upon A Song: A Cinderella Story that point is one stepsister is more wicked than the other, and both Stepmother and daughter are willing to let the other one fall under the bus so the most favored can win the prince and fortune. Jennifer Tilly however brought on a performance to remember giving us a more vindictive StepMother than wicked wrench we have come to learn but stays true to the franchise's stepmothers, she gives a refreshing feel of the horrible Lady Tramane we all know and hate. Well for instances it actually stay true to Cinderella herself and the elements that were not expressed enough as they should have been in the first three films, although the budget was not the best as for it's set's they really wanted a simple location to bring out the storyline, so that's is forgivable. So you are most likely asking yourself why this film beats its predecessors.