Barney's voice sounds similar to his dry Season 1 voice, but a little higher-pitched and sillier. In 1994, Richard Leach would create Lyrick Studios. Barney's snout is also slightly shorter, and his feet are rounder. The Antron Fleece used here is fuzzier (Possibly not shaved as much as the final suit.). 1992-1994: In season two of Barney & Friends, the costume went through several tummy tucks and even had Barney's green belly replaced due to the green fabric yellowing at the armpits.In some episodes, especially the earliest ones in production for the television series, Barney's voice sounds similar to his dry Backyard Gang voice. The bottom of Barney's stomach comes to a triangular point at the bottom, matching up with the seams at the top of the hips. Fred, alongside his best buddy, Barney Rubble, and their spouses Wilma. 1991-1992: This costume would undergo repairs for seasons one and two of Barney & Friends, the eyelids have been lowered midway, which included having a blinking mechanism.

Now, Barney is performed by David Joyner, who implemented the "bite bar" method, which is the costume performer biting down on a bar padded with a sponge attached to the inside of Barney's bottom jaw to nod his head, while giving access to both arms of the costume to move simultaneously. His feet are given a redesign, appearing boxier, allowing for better movement for the actor inside, and the top of his head is lifted even more. Barney's stomach has no foam base near the bottom, and his tail gets a little shorter. Unlike the previous two suits, Barney no longer has a tongue. The diversity of opinions among his friends and collaborators as well as the vivid and analytical comments from lighting, costume, and production designers. The mouth mechanism is rare here, almost not present. Internally dubbed as B-1, this costume is now made out of Antron Fleece.

This costume would also have several public appearances up until 1990, when it started to fall apart. Barney is performed by David Voss and voiced by Bob West. This costume appeared at public libraries and parties. He has eight spots on his back and three on his tail, the eyes and eyelids are also able to move and blink in some scenes. Barney also has a red tongue and a floppy snout. This Barney costume was operated in a similar way to Big Bird from Sesame Street (one hand controlling his bottom jaw with a lever attached inside, and the other in an arm (although if both arms were required, the performer would simply bob the head)). Due to the fabric of the foam, it made the costume not pleasant to touch, which made it have the same feeling as sandpaper, as described by Brian Eppes, the actor of " Michael", in Purple Tales Podcast. Resembling more of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, the body was made with reticulated foam and sprayed with a royal purple dye. Dubbed as the "blue dog" costume, and internally dubbed as B-001, this is Barney's first design, which is a far departure from later Barney designs.